Project Details

Roles & Contributions
User Experience
Visual Design
Project Lead
Design Team
Bharath Mohan
Jacob Murphy
Celine Gomes
Client Team
Yusuf Muhammed
Ben Stokes
Anderson James

Project Details

Roles & Contributions
User Experience
Visual Design
Project Lead
Design Team
Bharath Mohan
Jacob Murphy
Celine Gomes
Client Team
Yusuf Muhammed
Ben Stokes
Anderson James

Project Details

Roles & Contributions
User Experience
Visual Design
Project Lead
Design Team
Bharath Mohan
Jacob Murphy
Celine Gomes
Client Team
Yusuf Muhammed
Ben Stokes
Anderson James
Cymmetri (Risk Module) / 2022
A new way to access and manage risks.
Cymmetri (Risk Module) / 2022
A new way to access and manage risks.
Cymmetri (Risk Module) / 2022
A new way to access and manage risks.

scroll to explore

scroll to explore


Cymmetri, is a trusted advisor and partner for organizations looking to deploy IAM (Identity Access Management). As a longstanding design partner, we created a new module for their product to manage and mitigate access risks associated with employees.

Due to contractual obligations, specific details have been changed. This shows only a preview of the work, for detailed case study, click the link below.


Access Requests

At the heart of this module are campaign access requests. Employees initiate requests for resources, but managers act as gatekeepers, approving only those necessary for the employee's job duties. Some key metrics of the redesigned module;

76% reduction in avg. time spent my managers on the module.

125% increase in the user satisfaction rate after the redesign.

93% reduction in frequency of user errors caused previously.


Researching and solving the user pain points is the key

Extensive user research and usability testing identified user pain points and the business problem. Through an iterative design process, I refined solutions, incorporating user feedback to ensure they effectively addressed these issues, maximised user efficiency and most importantly achieved the business goals of Cymmetri.

For a comprehensive analysis, please refer to the detailed case study.


Device Risks -
for Employees

Risk-based authentication utilizes real-time data to understand the context of user logins. Device Insights is the most important page which provides a clear overview of device details. This page needed to effectively communicate potential risks and offer actionable solutions to users. Some key metrics of the redesigned module;

63% reduction in avg. time spent my employees on the module.

82% increase in the user efficiency for finding exact device problems.

89% reduction in employees contacting managers for solving device issues .


Conducted extensive research on the problems faced by the employees and dived deep into them to solve it. A few of the solutions in the redesigned module were;

Improved the layout and hierarchy of the presented information.

Introduced a new page where the users can investigate problems and find their solutions.


Horizontal Scroll or Dropdown Approach?

A major challenge arose from the information overload in certain categories. I had to decide between a dropdown menu or a horizontal layout.

After multiple discussions and user testing, we opted for the dropdown approach. This design prioritizes presenting the most critical information upfront, while allowing users to access additional details as needed.


Final hand-off and the required steps.

With the completion of screen designs, I transitioned to constructing user flows. Every user action was documented, all interactions made and the file was polished and delivered.

Post-handover, the entire team reconvened for a detailed session, carefully going through each element to confirm that nothing had been overlooked during the sprint. This collaborative effort aimed to ensure clarity and alignment among all team members, facilitating a shared understanding of the project.


Navigating the feedback loop, and articulating the decision-making rationale with two different teams, became an enjoyable albeit initially challenging aspect of the experience.

The final results, earned commendation from both Cymmetri and BSE who perceived it as a significant leap forward in workflow speeds.